Awareness of the health benefits to using a vaporizer is increasing on a daily basis. I won’t sit here and lie to you and say I eat healthy, drink plenty of water, and vaporize all of my herbs. I don’t. Not even close. My breakfast this morning was a bowl of coffee and two leftover crusts of pizza from last night’s dinner. I had a hash joint for dessert.
But, the overwhelming amount of information out there about the health benefits of vaporizing herbs in the home (not just cannabis) is overwhelming. It’s becoming hard to ignore if you are interested in vaporizing.
Up until the past few years, the image of the vaporizer was one of an apparatus only for potheads. However, with swift advances in technology in the past several years, increased commercialization, and a rise in the public’s interest in alternative medicine and molecular gastronomy, the stigma of the vaporizer has become vapor itself.
Many vaporizers produced today are labeled as aromatherapy devices and/or herbal oil diffusers for use with “legal” herbs like Peppermint (see microscope shot), Lavender (on the right), St. John’s Wort and even Catnip.
The vaporizer is now considered the number one device for use in alternative medicinal treatments for diseases like cancer, leukemia and AIDS. Scientists and researchers are giving vaporizing high marks as the best approach for effectively ingesting medicinal herbs into the body. Vaporizers have finally come out of the “stoned” age.
But, the overwhelming amount of information out there about the health benefits of vaporizing herbs in the home (not just cannabis) is overwhelming. It’s becoming hard to ignore if you are interested in vaporizing.
Up until the past few years, the image of the vaporizer was one of an apparatus only for potheads. However, with swift advances in technology in the past several years, increased commercialization, and a rise in the public’s interest in alternative medicine and molecular gastronomy, the stigma of the vaporizer has become vapor itself.
Many vaporizers produced today are labeled as aromatherapy devices and/or herbal oil diffusers for use with “legal” herbs like Peppermint (see microscope shot), Lavender (on the right), St. John’s Wort and even Catnip.
The vaporizer is now considered the number one device for use in alternative medicinal treatments for diseases like cancer, leukemia and AIDS. Scientists and researchers are giving vaporizing high marks as the best approach for effectively ingesting medicinal herbs into the body. Vaporizers have finally come out of the “stoned” age.
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