Make A Cleaner and Healthier Choice
The Puri5 Titan dry herb vaporizer is improved by Puri5 Vapor Technology replacing the Titan with original LG Li-Ion rechargeable battery and a new squared body and digital temperature control. This device will make a great addition to any vape collection. A new durable rubber skin has been added to the outer body for better grip and feel. The Titan can also be charged via a micro usb port on the bottom of the device. With temperature control varying from 200°F to 428°F you are sure to be able to get the exact experience that you’re looking for in a dry herb vaporizer.
The Puri5 Titan is a dry herb vaporizer that has a digital temperature display and 3 buttons to control the unit’s temperature and heating chamber.
Puri5 Vapor Technology has defined and toned the Titan to a collectible, must-have portable vaporizer, which has advantages such as LCD display of temperature, battery life capacity & more.
Rechargeable 2200 mAh battery
Variable voltage 3.3V-4.2V (200-428°F)
Digital Temperature control system
LCD Temperature and battery level display
Molded Silicon mouth pieces
Dimensions: Weight: 97g/230g
Set Size: 17*6.5*5cm
- 2200mAh battery
- Bottom USB charge
- Variable voltage 3.3V-4.2V
- Dry Herb Vaporizer (For dry herbs, wax)
- Power ON / OFF: 5 clicks. In 3 seconds Power ON / OFF
- Quicker heating speed and steady temperature than Titan1.
- Temperature control system: Temperature adjustment 200 to 428°F: both Fahrenheit and Celsius temperature scale available, can be adjusted accurately to each degree.
- LED display for temperature and battery state.
- Alarm and Protection:
Low Voltage Alarm; LED indicator blinks red for five times, powers off automatically.
When heating, process last for 10 minutes, powers off automatically.