The days when people find it cool when you walk on the street smoking cigarette are gone. The times have changed and vaping industry is now the world’s next big thing. The vaporizer was first made in the 1960s. However, it was only around mid-2000’s when the device made it in the US .
In just less than two decades reaching the US market, the entire vaporizer industry is now worth billions. It has created employment, not to mention helped businesses. In fact, the number of stores offering vaporizers and other related products has increased significantly in the last few years. The reason for its popularity is due to a number of things.
One, you have the burgeoning cannabis industry. More and more states are allowing the use of cannabis recreationally and medically. Though still considered schedule 1, updated cannabis laws have allowed people to have access to cannabis. With a desire to maximize their supply of cannabis, they make use of vaporizers instead of just burning them.
Another factor responsible for the popularity of vaporizers is the decline of the tobacco industry. And also, you have the tobacco industry that is now struggling.
The vaporizers stand as the healthier alternative to smoking. A device meant to function without combusting the elements; it has removed harmful toxins produced by cigarette smoking. But is it possible that vaping actually introduces young individuals to smoking? Here are some reasons how vaporizers can be our gateway to cigarette smoking.
1. Both vaporizers and smoking satisfy oral fixation
There are a lot of reasons why people would pick up the habit of smoking. Experts fear the possibility that vaporizers may become a gateway device for this vice. For some experts, the hand-to-mouth mechanism of vaping is possibly bringing people closer to smoking cigarettes.
Smoking has been a means to satisfy a person’s oral fixation. In fact, this is the reason why people gain weight after quitting smoking.
Another possible reason why people could be introduced to smoking once they start vaping, is the fact that there are different types of e-liquids. Nicotine content differs depending on the e-liquid. Nicotine content ranges from the minimal 3mg to 24mg in some instances.
The vaporizer and e-cigarette industry made it possible for consumers to choose the type of e-liquid to utilize. This way, it is easier for the person to actually get rid of his or her smoking habits without dealing with nicotine withdrawal symptoms.
And since you could easily experiment on what to use on your vaporizer, this is when it can become a bit tricky. It is possible that you become addicted to nicotine especially when you started vaping as a non-smoker.
2. It is cheap to use the vaporizers
For smokers transitioning towards vaporizers, it is no secret that they can save a lot of money when they resort to vaping than smoking. The average cost of a pack of cigarette is at $6.69. In some areas, it can be much expensive to smoke. Smoking a pack of cigarettes a day can already cost around $2,441.8.
On the other hand, you could purchase a vaporizer for around $200. That is a one-time investment that could already last for years. As for the e-liquid, you could purchase four 15 ml e-liquid bottles for $39. This amount of e-liquids could already last for a month. Now, that’s a total amount of $468 for a year supply of e-liquid. Add the $200 vaporizer, and you only have a total of $668. You get more than 70% savings annually just by choosing vaporizers over smoking cigarettes.
How does this become a problem? For those who are already smokers, this might be good news. On the other hand, it could also be a problem, especially for people who love to experiment. With just a small amount of money, you could already have access to vaporizers and use e-liquids containing nicotine.
3. Access to vaporizers
Laws regarding access to smoking have become priority all over the world. Given the rising healthcare cost of this vice, there are laws where you could smoke. In most countries, you can’t smoke in public places. You need to find a smoking area before you could light up your cigarette. Also, you can’t purchase tobacco related products if you are below 18 years old.
On the other hand, vaporizers are still considered a grey area in different areas. Since vaporizers are not yet regulated by the FDA, it generally depends on the shop owner’s discretion whether or not to sell vaporizers to young individuals.
However, over the last few years, there are some areas that already took action. For instance, Connecticut already prohibited selling of vaporizers to any person below the age of 18. Unfortunately, there’s no universal consensus on how to handle the vaporizers. That means there are still places wherein minors could get a hold of vaporizers and use it.
Also, keep in mind that there are a significant number of stores offering vaporizers and other related products today. According to the recent numbers, there are approximately 3,500 stores offering vaporizers and accessories in the US alone. Sales increased significantly from 2013 to 2015.
4. Mainstream popularity
Part of the reason why cigarettes are popular today is because of the type of marketing that the industry has practiced over the years. They’ve spent millions of dollars on advertising campaigns just to give a positive image on tobacco. Product placement on movies influences the use of cigarettes to movie goers.
But these days, times have changed. Tobacco is no longer cool. Because of campaigns against tobacco smoking, people finally realized the dangers of smoking tobacco.
On the other hand, vaporizer industry is fast becoming popular. Nowadays, we see celebrities using vaporizers. Snoop Dogg even have his own vaporizer. With the popularity the vaporizer industry has reached today, it isn’t surprising if people are influenced to use vaporizers.
These days, there are even individuals who opt to modify the vaporizers. We see YouTube videos of people doing vaporizer tricks. With e-liquids that contain nicotine, there is a chance that people could actually develop an addiction to nicotine.
Experts claim that vaporizers make the perfect alternative to smokers. In fact, it can even be used as means to benefit from the wonders of cannabis strains. However, let’s not forget that you can also make use of e-liquids that contain nicotine.
Do vaporizers introduce people to smoke? What are your thoughts? Tell us what you think and leave your comments below!
Source: smokazon blog